Friday, June 26, 2015

Earthquake hits

Two tectonic plates traps together
Collides heavily
Releases huge pressure
Its natural disaster
Categorized as earthquake

      Ten thousands peoples died
      Similar being injured
      Thousands being homeless
      Thousands lost their parents
      Thousands lost their child
      Destroying world heritage sites
      Frequently happening landslides
      That’s creates the torture
      That’s creates the fear

Peoples are waiting for food
Peoples are waiting for tri-pal
They are out of their own residency
Up to two months
Aftershocks going on
Where it will stops?

     Nepalese are in huge trouble now
     Many people waiting for rescue
     Waiting for temporary shelter
     Let’s pray
     Hope god bless us
     Let’s convert it into energy

We have to reconstruct
We have to build up
We have to energized heritage sites
We have to go normal life
  Let’s go together
    Building our strength
    We have get donated
     Proper planning maintained
     With decentralized concepts
     Stay   alert stay safe

     Earthquake hits again.

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