Saturday, September 10, 2016

M.D. of NEA Kafle Resign Due to Strong Pressure By Minister : The Dearth of Fine Political System

Sep 10, 2016- Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority Mukesh Raj Kafle has resigned from the post. He submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Friday.

Earlier, Energy Minister Janardan Sharma had expressed dissatisfaction over Kafle’s performance and had asked him to step down.
Kafle had, however, told the Post on Wednesday he would not resign, arguing he had been appointed through free competition and that the Energy Minister had no right to demand his resignation.
What made Kafle change his mind was not immediately clear. He could not be reached for a comment. It is also not known who will replace him.
Kafle’s departure, however, does not come as a surprise, as the ministry had initiated the process of removing him two months ago when a panel formed to appraise his performance gave him failing grades. According to the performance contract signed between the Energy Ministry and Kafle, the latter had to score at least 50 percent mark or face any action, including dismissal.
“The NEA chief scored 45 percent in the evaluation,” said a ministry official who sat on the panel. “However, in the performance contract, there is space for another panel to review the evaluation done by the first. Kafle failed to secure pass marks in the second panel’s evaluation too.”
Thursday’s Cabinet meeting had also discussed Kafle’s handling of the NEA.
On July 3, the Energy Ministry wrote to Kafle, seeking his clarification and demanding a reason why he shouldn’t be dismissed.
Kafle replied to the ministry’s letter on July 8 saying there was conflict of interest during the review process, and that the panel which had reviewed his performance was not independent, according to a ministry source. Kafle then filed an application at the Prime Minister’s Office, requesting his performance be reviewed by an independent panel. The panel’s report has been kept confidential.

Source: The Kathmandu Post

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