Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID -19: lock-down day-19

Today, we are in the state of lock-down of  day 19 of the protection of pandemic corona virus. The lock down started from march 22. The national economy is going to be worst. Peoples are requested to reside in home.  Cell -Roti has been making today. The study  is going further. The word economy is in red zone after word war.

New journey to step froward

I am writing today on behalf of myself that I have started new journey in my life. My destination would be clear if I am busy with writing in daily basis.  It might be the great  effort towards my academic as we as professional carrier. Starting in a small steps put froward a good progress resulting best profession.  Learn something new everyday that makes bright future.  KEEP GOING KEEP BLESSING 
Thank YOu Very Much