Monday, July 21, 2014

Amazing Street Hack Prank

Automatic 3 phase sequence correction panel

Automatic 3 phase sequence correction panel

automatic phase sequence correction panel
Hulasi make 3 phase Automatic Phase Sequence Corrector (Delux_APSC) Panel provides comprehensive  production against  incorrect phase sequence, voltage unbalancing, phase failure, under and over voltages.

The Hulasi make 3 phase Automatic Phase Sequence Corrector (APSC) Panel can be used in safe running of 3 phase UPS, elevators, lifts, air-conditioners, motors and many other 3 phase systems.

Key Features of 
Automatic Phase Sequence Corrector (Delux_APSC) Panel:

3 Phase sequence Monitoring
Phase failure monitoring
Automatic Phase sequence correction activated
Automatic Phase sequence correction can be deactivated
Phase unbalance, under voltage, over voltage threshold adjustable
ON delay and OFF delay selectable and adjustable
Protects against short cycling
Protects against phase unbalancing
Protects against phase loss
Protects against under and over voltages
Indications for R Y B phase
correction panel can provide interrupted neutral monitoring
[Optional] correction panel can provide protection against over current and short circuit

The Hulasi India make 3 phase Automatic Phase Sequence Corrector (APSC) Panel can be customized  as per the load rating.
A lower cost model "Std_APSC panel" that only corrects the phase sequence is also available. 

BIG Problem:
XXX Towers Sector - 56, Gurgaon 122011 is a condomonium of 19 high rise buildings with 1000 flats. They have DG sets AMF panels for power backup. But unfortunately when HUDA [grid] power supply is resumed, the phase sequence of the supply is often revered and all their three phase motors get affected badly.

Simple Solution:
Automatic phase sequence correction panel from Hanut India

three phase motor protection relay panel
Hanut India : Three phase motor protection relay panel

The standard three phase motor protection relay panel [Std_MPR] protects the connected 3 phase equipment like AC motor, lift, UPS, three phase pump, air conditioner against phase [failure] loss, phase unbalance and phase sequence reversal.  

In case of fault the three phase motor protection relay panel protects the equipment by breaking the power supply to the equipment.

Panel can be set to auto restart or to manual restart mode.
[Delux_MPR] Delux three phase motor protection relay panel which providesadditional protection against over and under voltage also is available.

The relay used are microprocessor based and CE marked.


product selection table

Aswan Dam - The world high dam hydroelectricity

The Aswan Dam is an embankment dam situated across the Nile River in AswanEgypt. Since the 1960s, the name commonly refers to the High Dam. Construction of the High Dam became a key objective of the Egyptian Government following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, as the ability to control floods, provide water for irrigation, and generate hydroelectricity were seen as pivotal to Egypt's industrialization. The High Dam was constructed between 1960 and 1970, and has had a significant impact on the economy and culture of Egypt.
Before the dams were built, the Nile River flooded every year during late summer, when water flowed down the valley from its East African drainage basin. These floods brought high water and natural nutrients and mineralsthat annually enriched the fertile soil along the floodplain and delta; this had made the Nile valley ideal for farming since ancient times. Because floods vary, in high-water years the whole crop might be wiped out, while in low-water years widespread drought and famine occasionally occurred. As Egypt's population grew and conditions changed, both a desire and ability developed to control the floods, and thus both protect and support farmland and the economically important cotton crop. With the reservoir storage provided by the Aswan dams, the floods could be lessened and the water stored for later release.
BarragemAssuão.jpgAswan Dam is located in Egypt  
Location of the Aswan Dam in Egypt
Official nameAswan High Dam
Coordinates23°58′14″N 32°52′40″ECoordinates23°58′14″N 32°52′40″E
Construction began1960
Opening date1970
Dam and spillways
Type of damEmbankment
ImpoundsRiver Nile
Height111 metres (364 ft)
Length3,830 metres (12,570 ft)
Width (base)980 metres (3,220 ft)
Spillway capacity11,000 cubic metres per second (390,000 cu ft/s)
CreatesLake Nasser
Total capacity132 cubic kilometres (107,000,000 acre·ft)
Surface area5,250 square kilometres (2,030 sq mi)
Max. length550 kilometres (340 mi)
Max. width35 kilometres (22 mi)
Max. water depth180 metres (590 ft)
Normal elevation183 metres (600 ft)
Power station
Commission date1967–1971
Turbines12× 175 MW Francis-type
Installed capacity2,100 MW

Miniature High Voltage

Generator Set

Friday, June 6, 2014

हिरोइन गरिमा पन्तसंग राष्ट्रपति यति धेरै प्रभावित

श्रीलंकामा हालै सम्पन्न सार्क फिल्म फेस्टिभलमा उत्कृष्ट हिरोइनको अवार्ड उचाल्न सफल अभिनेत्री गरिमा पन्तलाई राष्ट्रपति डा. रामवरण यादवले विशेष भेटेका छन् ।
बिहिबार राष्ट्रपति कार्यालय सितल निवासमा भएको एक घण्टे विशेष भेटवार्तामा राष्ट्रपति यादवले ‘झोला’ फिल्मबाट अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जगतमै नेपालको नाम फैलाउन सफल भएको भन्दै गरिमालाई बधाई दिदै आगामी भबिष्यका लागि आर्शिवाद समेत दिए ।
‘मैले पुरै फिल्म हेर्न पाएको छैन तर टेलिभिजनमा बजिरहेको ट्रेलरमा तपाईले बुढो मान्छेलाई बोकेको दृश्यले मेरो मन छोएको थियो र तपाई पुरस्कृत भएको जानकारी चन्दा जी बाट सुनेपछि यो भेटवार्ता त्यहि भएर आयोजना गरिएको हो ।’ राष्ट्रपतिले आफ्नै अगाडी हौसलाका ती शब्दहरु भनिरहदा गरिमा प्रशन्न मुद्रामा थिईन् ।
देशको राजनीति सुधार नभई कुनै क्षेत्र सुधार हुन सक्दैन त्यसैले आफ्नो अभिनय यात्रालाई यसैगरी अगाडी बढाईरहनु भन्दै राष्ट्रपतिले गरिमाका लाग एक घण्टा समय खर्चिए । ब्यस्तताका बाजुत २० मिनेट मात्र समय निकालेका राष्ट्रपति यादवले गफिने क्रममा पुरै एक घण्टा विताएका थिए ।यहि दृश्यले गरिमासंग राष्ट्रपति प्रभावित भएका थिए
‘तपाईको फिल्म राष्ट्रपति कार्यालका सवै सदस्यहरु र मेरो निजि परिवारसंग बसेर हेर्न चाहान्छु त्यसैले त्यो दिन पनि तपाईको उपस्थिती हुने छ भन्ने विश्वास लिएको छु ।’ यादवले गरिमालाई भनेका छन् ।
यता गरिमाले चाहि सञ्चारकर्मीहरुसंगको छोटो प्रतिक्रियामा राष्ट्रपतिले दिएको हौसलालाई शब्दमा बयान गर्न नसक्ने भनी प्रतिक्रिया दिएकी छिन् । नेपालकै प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दै पहिलो पटक अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अवार्ड जित्ने अभिनेत्री बनेकी गरिमा राष्ट्राध्यक्षको निम्तोमा शुभकामना पाउने पहिलो अभिनेत्री पनि बनेकी छिन् ।
गत बर्षको हिट फिल्महरुको लिष्टमा अटाएको झोलाका निर्देशक र निर्माता चाहि राष्ट्रपतिसंगको भेटवार्तामा उपस्थित थिएनन् । सो भेटमा सिमित फिल्म पत्रकारहरुको मात्र उपस्थिती थियो ।
नोट : समाचारको तेश्रो हरफमा राष्ट्रपतिले सम्बोधन गरेको चन्दा (चन्दा अधिकारी) प्रोफाईल तस्बिरको पहेलो कुर्तामा रहेकी महिला गरिमा पन्तकी निकट साथी हुन जो पि.के कलेजको ईकाई सभापति एवं स्ववियू कि सह- सचिव हुन । चन्दा र गरिमाको २०६१ साल देखि चिनजान भएको थियो र उनैको सक्रियतामा राष्ट्रपतिबाट गरिमाले यसरी बधाई पाएकी हुन ।