Tuesday, July 23, 2013


there is  struggle
there is  chance
there is humor
there is  romance
there is  happiness
there is  practical
there is life
         with an engineer....

Sunday, July 21, 2013


If I die in an exam zone,
Box me up and send me home.
Put my papers on my chest and,
Tell my mom I tried my best.
Tell my dad not to worry,
As I'm no more to make him feel sorry.
Don't telll my friends as they are hearties,
Because I won't be there to join all the parties,
Tell my love not to cry,
Because "I'M AN ENGINEER, BORN TO DIE....BORN TO DIE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Engineering rural development means how the rural area is developed technically within the view of engineers. The main points is that how the engineering design, engineering creations & engineering inventions help during the rural development.
I am an engineer from rural area of Nepal. The rural development is my duty. Here are the new ideas expressed that how the rural development is achieved via engineering technique. 
According to central bureau statistics, about 83% of the total area is covered by rural area & about 68% of the total national income is Inco-operated by the agriculture products. So here is the strong point is that the traditional agriculture system should be modified towards the modern agriculture system.  Here is the need of agriculture engineers to modify the existing farming system. New ideas & new methodology should be lunched by the agriculture engineers for the better crop production. So the engineer intention is intended to the revolution in farmalism. Which is the rural act of the rural development.
Education is the foundation of the rural development. Engineering scenario must be towards the good technical education for the rural development. According to the census 2012 about 45% peoples of the rural area are illiterate. So there should flow technical education that wake up to the rural people.  There should taught the technical education to fasten the education. Teaching through the net internet is more beneficial for the fast rural development.
Education is closely related to communication system. The light of education is the development of all types of system. Mahabir Pun is a Nepali teacher known for his extensive work in applying wireless technologies to develop remote areas of the Himalayas, also known as the Nepal Wireless Networking Project. After his action our remote area status is changed. Which is the best step in the rural development. So for the technological benefit for the rural area the engineers must be establish communication center. The distribution of mobile phone &  facility of net internet  changed the technological revolution in the rural development. Which is the part of electronics & computer engineering.
Another engineering aspects to the rural development is the construction of micro hydro power. We have huge amount of mechanical energy stored within our rivers.  By utilizing this mechanical energy in the construction of hydropower, there is enough electricity through which our other requirements can be fulfilled. the need of electricity is more likely to be increased day by day. the electrical engineers and civil engineers are involved in the construction of hydropower.
The engineers may also think that in the rural areas wind energy solar energy  can be used as the alternative sources of renewal source of energy, which can be served as the fast development of the rural community.
Geographical status is the major problems which hampers during the construction of several infrastructure. The wide motorable road can’t be constructed in the rural area. Thus engineering most aware about that in the rural area there should be the alternative ideas. cable car is the best choice for improving transportation problem in the rural himalayan area. So engineers must concentrate about that how it is beneficial & economical for the construction.
Neplease rural area is the gift of natural beauty. Natural beauty, everyone makes joyful & romatic. So in technical view the enginers must be designed our rural accomodation, rural infrastructure such as communication, transportation, hotel, restrurant for tourism development. Thus tourism development is the another part of the rural development viewing via engineering concept
As a summary, the rural development is the development through the technology. technology is achieved by the engineers. Thus rural development is the technological development & technological development can be achieved by engineers only. So engineers are the main piller of the rural development.

The life is not itself  beautiful but human beings makes its beautiful through the actions,achievements and his positive thinking.